Contact Us
(732) 412-5570
About Us
New Jersey Family Hypnosis is an award winning modern practice dedicated to help our client achieve their goals.
Brian Eslick, a Board Certified Hypnotist (BCH) is the founding director of New Jersey Family Hypnosis.
Brian is a recognized expert in his field and has hypnotized thousands of people.
Brian Eslick, BCH has specialized training and certifications:
Certified Stop Smoking Specialist from the North American Academy of Hypnosis
National Guild Of Hypnotists, Inc (NGH) (Certified Consulting Hypnotist)
OMNI Advanced Hypnosis (Certified Hypnotist)
International Board Of Hypnosis (Board Certified Hypnotist)
Advanced Clinical Hypnosis Pain Management from the American School of Clinical Hypnosis
Age Regression
Innovative Hypnotic Techniques
Pain Control and Emergency Hypnosis
Overcome Gambling
Forensic Hypnosis
Stress Management
Weight Management
Stop Smoking
Fears and Phobias
Life Motivation
Substance Abuse
Live deep hypnosis sessions are extremely powerful to affect the change people desire.*
In addition to live hypnosis sessions, Brian has developed several self-hypnosis audio programs as tools for weight loss, build confidence, stop smoking, stress relief, pain control and insomnia. Take a look at our online hypnosis audio programs.
In addition to live hypnosis sessions, Brian has developed several self-hypnosis audio programs as tools for weight loss, build confidence, stop smoking, stress relief, pain control and insomnia. Take a look at our online hypnosis audio programs.
Brian is also the author of “Inside Hypnosis” He didn’t just read a book on hypnosis – he wrote it!
For years people have been asking Brian to help them quit smoking, lose weight, and beat phobia’s.
Now is the time for you!
New Jersey Family Hypnosis is located in Middlesex, New Jersey.
New Jersey Family Hypnosis
550 Union Ave. Suite 8 Middlesex, NJ 08846
by Appointment Only (732) 412-5570


Brian Eslick
Brian Eslick is one of the Northeast’s top hypnotists, an
extremely successful sought after talent. He’s starred in his
own off-Broadway show in New York City. He has
established himself at the top of his field appearing on
television, radio, and print across the country. Brian is a
recognized expert in his field and has hypnotized thousands
of people.
Tv Guest Star
Personal, dedicated and professional

550 Union Ave. Suite 8 Middlesex, NJ 08846
New Jersey Family Hypnosis does not practice medicine, and does not diagnose or treat any medical condition. Hypnosis does not constitute Psychiatric treatment, Psychotherapy or Psychoanalysis. Hypnosis is self-help. Understand that the success of hypnosis depends greatly on own ability and desire to affect change in self, the results depend greatly on own serious participation and follow through. We do not offer a guarantee nor a refund.