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(732) 412-5570
Did you know that stress can make you sick? I mean physically sick, not mentally sick. Most of the time when we are stressed, we say things like I’m sick and tired and that could be a lot truer than we think.
When the body undergoes stress, your immune system begins to drop and the body becomes more open to germs leading to unwanted illnesses. Have you ever wondered why so many high school and college students often have a cold or the flu around midterm and finals time?…
“I have met with Brian twice and he is a great hypnotist. He is very clear as to what he can offer and is very positive. He also went through all the details of what the misconceptions of hypnotism are as well as what the facts are exactly. I felt very comfortable. He provided water and a blanket. The results were worth it. I highly recommend him.”
Dana C
Today we hopefully won’t have to face the same dangers as our ancestors but the stress response to demanding situations we face is still with us and our mind and body still prepare for fight or flight when confronted with this equivalent of the wild animal. This is where the problem may begin as activation of the fight or flight response with no physical outlet, such as if we are stuck in a traffic jam and can’t fight it or flee it, or maybe an unfair confrontation in the workplace where once again the response for action may be triggered but we cant vent it by fighting or running away without consequences we would rather avoid.
“I worked with Brian 4 sessions. I believe he helped me realize and clear up a few things.”
Perhaps both of these events and more are experienced on the same day, perhaps every day, and the stress builds within us until it can damage our health if a solution is not found.
Not to worry, and I mean that literally. There are a number of ways that you can avoid stress with Hypnosis.
We all experience stress in different ways depending upon our personality type, conditioning and possible training also.
Why hypnosis is totally different from any other form of tools?
Hypnosis is different because of the way in which the therapy part happens while one is in hypnosis. Put another way, hypnotherapy is a very effective combination of hypnosis, a trance or altered state of mind and deep relaxation, and the chosen therapy, which might be for example; suggestion therapy, regression, ego states therapy, neuro-linguistic programming or hypnoanalysis.*
“Periodic sessions with Brian have helped me lift myself out of the doldrums and think more positively and creatively on a daily basis. I had never tried hypnotherapy before Brian, but now find it so helpful in many situations. He taught me to hypnotize myself, so it is a very useful tool for me now. Brian’s true caring and empathy for his clients is obvious from the first meeting with him. He explains a lot about hypnosis for the novice, answering all questions. I highly recommend everyone try it, keep an open mind and embrace the results.
He has truly helped me.”
Kathryn S
Do you have bad feelings?
Our Hypnosis program allows an individual to enter a state of deep relaxation which in itself is a very useful therapy for combating stress. It also allows one to become calm and focused, as all parts of the mind work together and concentrate on solving the problem at hand.* Unresolved feelings can affect your health, you need to release it. We can help.
Why it is so helpful in cases of stress, anxiety and panic attacks?
Hypnosis is a state in which the conscious critical faculty is temporarily suspended or distracted and in which all parts of the mind work in harmony for the good of the whole being.
When in hypnosis an individual can become very relaxed and at the same time very aware and sharp, mentally focused.
In the normal hurly burly of life we seldom have time to take a time out, or to go into safe mode to pull together our resources and to calmly take stock and plan our best way forward.
Hypnosis then, is a safe, relaxing state in which we can let go the tensions in and around us for a short period.
We can guide you through the stages of investigation, discovery, and release you may need. Many people don't even know why they have bad feelings, your unconscious mind knows. We can help you find the answers.
Hypnosis therefore provides relaxation and is therefore useful at even this basic level, as a kind of first aid. We will help the client to find any repressed emotions, triggers and false instincts from the past that are a kind of out-of date, erroneous, or maybe just no longer wanted or needed programming, that loops around once triggered to cause us much anxiety and feelings of panic, but we often don’t know why. Following this, the wonderful power of our hypnotic suggestion, and Neuro Linguistic programming techniques will be used to provide new and efficient programming to support moves forward into a much more positive life with a better outlook on everything..*
Our unique Hypnosis program can help you with stress, anxiety, and feelings.*
Don't suffer any longer call now for personalized one-on-one hypnosis sessions, call (732) 412-5570.
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Discover how hypnosis can help you achieve goals, with a 1-on-1 consult directly with Brian Eslick.
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550 Union Ave. Suite 8 Middlesex, NJ 08846
New Jersey Family Hypnosis does not practice medicine, and does not diagnose or treat any medical condition. Hypnosis does not constitute Psychiatric treatment, Psychotherapy or Psychoanalysis. Hypnosis is self-help. Understand that the success of hypnosis depends greatly on own ability and desire to affect change in self, the results depend greatly on own serious participation and follow through. We do not offer a guarantee nor a refund.
Brian Eslick Enterprises LLCĀ